Coaching Client Reviews

“Having previously invested in what felt like a regurgitation of photography courses and less-than-stellar business coaching prior to contacting Alex, I was slightly hesitant to apply for her Business Acceleration Program for Pet Photographers. I was worried that this would be just another round of hearing what I already knew, leaving me with no actionable items … but I also recognized that if you want something different, you’ve got to do something different.

Alex acknowledged how important my business and time are to me right from the start, listened to my concerns during our clarity call, and guided me into determining if her program was the right choice based on my individual goals and where I was in my business – all with zero pressure to commit. This initial conversation in which she shared what makes this pet photography-specific program unlike any others gave me the confidence to push past any hesitations I had and I signed on immediately following our call.

Learning from Alex is one of the best investments in my business I have made since launching in 2016! She is generous with her knowledge and experience, genuinely invested in helping you grow on a professional and personal level, relatable and humorous in her coaching, level-headed in her approach to business and client interactions, and was the highlight of my mornings during the eight weeks we worked together. Most importantly, she identified and assisted me with closing gaps in areas that lacked clarity or needed processes/policies to be refined.

While I joke that systems and efficiency are my love language and despite having entered the program with my own templates and emails, the tweaks Alex suggested and the reasoning behind them have been a game-changer. This wasn’t just another “Because I said so!” or do-as-I-do approach; Alex works alongside you to encourage you to keep at what’s working yet be open to implementing those steps that increase your profitability, processes, and overall client experience.

I completed her program with a renewed feeling of excitement for all the new marketing ideas, thoroughly written canned emails, and the editable communication forms and templates she shared. I can’t even begin to count the number of times I told her my head was spinning from all the ideas I wanted to put into place!

If you’re even slightly intrigued by what she can offer to elevate your business or you’re feeling any pull toward working with Alex in her Business Acceleration Program for Pet Photographers, I encourage you to trust your gut and Alex’s years of experience and schedule that clarity call.

I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to connect with and be coached by someone I now consider to be one of my most impactful mentors! Thank you, Alex, for everything you’ve done to set me up for my most successful years to come!”

Jessica, USA

“I have been running my pet photography business for approximately the last 8 years. “Running” being a descriptive word. Another descriptive word would be “poorly” – running poorly.

I’m great at taking photos, even amazing at times, but what I was not great at is running a business.

Last year it got to the point where I was ready to lay my camera down and give it away. It all got too hard. I have never really made a profit and have just kept my head above water while slowly drowning at the same time.

I had no structure, no set reply to emails or Facebook inquiries, outdated pricing that really didn’t reflect my work and all in all just found it all a bit too hard. After another trip to get my tax done, another profitless year completed, I was ready to give up. But I genuinely loved taking pet portraits.

I took a good, long, hard look at my life in general and decided it was time to weigh up options. I could keep working my uninspiring day job or have one last crack at something I absolutely loved. It was an easy choice when I considered the options, but I needed help. Enter Alex Cearns and her Black Cat Business Acceleration Program for Pet Photographers.

It was a game-changer, to say the least! Not only has my business turned around but so has my whole mindset and energy.

Alex showed me how to implement structure, organisation, gave me the tools to generate a professional response to an inquiry with all bases covered. My entire business is all set up and I no longer have to think about what I am going to reply to a client, or what I said to a previous one, and question if I gave them the same information?

It is now all done for me thanks to Alex’s program. By using a clever set of steps she gave me, and following them, my business is finally turning a profit, looking very professional and is extremely streamlined. It saves me time, it saves me energy and it saved my mental health.

Alex also worked on my pricing and not just in a general one size fits all way for the people doing her mentoring but customised the pricing and products to suit my needs, my location, my type of client base. The cogs behind the program are the same but it’s the individual attention that Alex gives to each business that’s invaluable.

Alex’s program has not only given me the tools to progress, but the confidence to know my worth, and her methods have taken my business from zero profit to earning over 25k in just 4 months and hopefully, I will be working in it full time very soon.

Do yourself a favour! If you are struggling like I was, enrol in this program. It will be a game-changer for you too!”

Deb, Australia

“If I have one regret about working with Alex on my pet photography business, it would be: “Why did I take so long to start working with her?” I should have started on day one of opening my business.

Day 1: a) Buy camera b) Call Alex!

Sure, I was doing ok on my own, but I wasted a lot of time trying out different approaches to get to where I wanted to be. Once I started working with Alex, my business changed quickly for the better and I blew past my original expectations.

I feel like I gained two years of business experience in two months. Here are some of the highlights.

  • I have a very professional and efficient system that I run all of my clients through and both of us end up very happy on the other side.
  • She helped me create a clear and concise price list that lets my clients know right away if we are a good fit.
  • My average sale has increased more than 95% and my highest sale in the past month was 125% higher than any sale since I began my business.
  • I had my first commercial shoot and was able to obtain several new clients from the one shoot using Alex’s strategies.
  • My Facebook account has more than doubled in Followers and my engagement is up four times.
  • I now have the confidence to answer candid answers for most questions that I receive from my customers and if I get something out of left field, Alex is always there to coach me with the correct words to say.
  • My goal of $200,000USD in revenue for the year seems very obtainable.
  • Finally, I feel I have someone in my corner that is just as excited to be a part of my business success as I am. Alex’s program has already paid for itself!

So if you want to be where I am or beyond in two months or less I highly recommend you get in touch with Alex about her Black Cat Consulting Business Acceleration Program today!”

Charlie, USA

“Two years into my pet photography journey my business was not flourishing as I had hoped – mostly thanks to Covid lockdowns. I had seen Alex from Houndstooth Studios talk on a few different platforms and decided to start a business mentorship with her as she was not only pet-specific but seemed business savvy and the quality of her work was outstanding.

Alex was very methodical in her approach and has implemented a career-long structure that has enormously reduced my workload and increased my sales.

The introduction of her recommended CRM has completely changed my workflow and time spent on administration. I am not sure how any busy photographer can get by without using it. As a photographer, you need a camera and you need a CRM!

Alex oversees every aspect of your business including pricing, vouchers, social media and so much more. Alex will keep you busy over the program and even busier on completion reaping the rewards.

Thank you Alex for the opportunity to work with you and improve my business.”

Jane, Australia

“I’ve wanted to pursue pet photography as a career for over twenty years but other things always got in the way – until major events of the last few years made me take a hard look at my life. The first event was being faced with my own mortality after receiving a diagnosis of stage 3 aggressive breast cancer which had spread.

The second event was losing my mother unexpectedly. Throw in an incredibly abusive and negative working environment and all these things made me question what the hell I was doing with my life!

When I acknowledged the toll this was having on my mental and physical health, I quit my job and decided it was now or never to pursue my dream. I’d already worked on my business, website, products, and pricing and after spending around $10k on specific pet photography education, including retreats and tons of online courses, I still didn’t know how I was actually going to bring in paying clients.

Online courses require self-motivation to complete, plus you can have all the information in front of you, then try and put it into practice, and still not gain any paying clients. I needed someone to help me one-on-one, who had experience and success and who could hold me accountable.

Having tried unsuccessfully in the past to get a pet photographer to mentor me, I had a chance encounter with Alex on Facebook and before I knew it, I was requesting a clarity call with her to discuss her Business Acceleration Program for Pet Photographers.

During that call with Alex, I knew I wanted to sign up, even though there was no way I could afford it … but I couldn’t afford not to either. I knew it was immense value and the price was relevant to the content, but how would I find the funds? After speaking with my husband and relating what Alex’s program entailed, he agreed that I’d be crazy not to sign up and we would find the money. If I was going to give pet photography a go, then now was the time and I knew Alex was the right person to help me. So I made it happen!

What I liked about Alex right from the start was her communication – she is straight up and tells it like it is. Alex is real, down to earth, and genuine with a ton of valuable knowledge and experience having run her own multi-million-dollar pet photography business for over a decade.

Alex knows the ins and outs of everything to do with the global pet photography market and has literally seen and heard it all. I’m a person who sometimes needs to think things through, and this is one of the things I loved the most with my mentoring with Alex.

If it takes you a while to get your head around a new idea or approach, Alex will talk it through with you and help you find a tailored way that works for you and your business, based around what you feel comfortable with. It’s not a prescribed or dictated program where you must do it a set and certain way, which is how some other coaches work, although to be honest, 99.9% of the time, okay maybe 100%, Alex’s way is the right way.

There isn’t an idea, challenge, or tricky customer problem that Alex can’t help you solve, and her ‘Kill them with kindness, because you can’t kill them’ philosophy is the best I’ve ever heard. I now use this mantra on a regular basis and it really helps me take the emotion out of negative transactions with clients. It’s enabled me to not take things so personally with my business which is great.

Alex’s Business Acceleration Program for Pet Photographers gave me the structure, guidance, know-how, workflow, processes and templates I needed to help me really take the business to a level where I could start attracting paying clients and to manage them effectively and efficiently.

Running a successful photography business requires systematic admin work and Alex’s course helps make it all streamlined and easy. I had my first sale during the program, from a session where I wasn’t that happy with the images. I didn’t want to do the sales session, but I spoke to Alex and took her advice to wait and see what the clients thought. They loved the images to the tune of $1500. Not a bad first sale and I realised that I can be my harshest critic. I’ve since had a several more sales and am selling products like albums, which start from $1400.

I am well on my way to having the course pay for itself already in just a few client transactions. Alex has helped me pull everything together and turn my dream of the last twenty years into a reality. I can’t thank her enough for her help and support.

Investing in Alex’s Business Acceleration Program was The. Best. Decision. Ever. If you’re in a rut, just starting out, or need a hand taking things to the next level, I can’t recommend Alex highly enough. It’s an investment you won’t regret.”

Kirsten, New Zealand

“Having someone as business savvy and supportive as Alex on your team is a game-changer. When Alex assured me in our initial call “I won’t let you fail” I knew I needed to sign up for her coaching program.

In addition to sharing her own highly successful business model, Alex takes her coaching a step further by continuing to offer support long after the official coaching calls have ended. When I start to question a situation or feel discouraged (because, let’s face it, running a business is not for the faint of heart!) knowing that I can message Alex to ask her thoughts is an important confidence booster that keeps me moving toward my goals.

Add to that the numerous email templates, client workflows, and the one-on-one calls she provides, and you have tremendous value for your financial investment. I also appreciate that Alex is still running her own pet photography business which means that she is well-versed on issues her coaching clients might encounter, such as the current idiosyncrasies of Facebook for marketing.

Alex cares a great deal about her coaching client’s success and I’m so happy to have her knowledge and support propelling me forward.”

Gillian, USA

“This program is excellent and Alex is amazing for putting it together and how she teaches it. Prior to working with Alex, my twelve month sales were $14,000 USD. Within the first five months of completing Alex’s program I made double what I did the entire year before – $33,000 USD!

My first sale after working with Alex was $2500 and I even had a $4000 sale from a $75 voucher following Alex’s instruction.

Now I want to do a happy dance and thank Alex from the bottom of my heart for giving me the opportunity to be coached by her.”

Sabina, USA

“To say I am happy with Alex Cearns as a business coach and mentor is an understatement. Her coaching program price paid for itself within a fortnight of sales using her methods! My business has kicked goals I never thought possible with my income for the quarter more than doubling when compared to the previous quarter. Within 12 months I made $160,000! My workflows are simplified, I am working less hours, and I have now hired two part-time staff- and I’ve learnt to set boundaries with my clients. I am excited about my business doing well and I have some pretty definite goals moving forward which I believe are very achievable. Thanks Alex, you are the best!”

Janine, Australia

“Alex is amazing to work with! There are no surprises, she is well organized and lays everything out for you so you know exactly what you will be getting from her. I would highly recommend working with Alex as a new and/or seasoned photographer. You will benefit no matter the stage you are at in your business. With her help I was able to successfully start my new Mobile Pet Photography Business in the middle of a pandemic! I’m so thankful I got to work with her.”

Beth, Canada

“Before I met Alex and completed her ‘Business Acceleration Program for Pet Photographers’, I didn’t have a steady stream of clients coming in. I would have good months and not so good months. It was tough to see pet photography as a viable business that would provide me and my family with a stable income. I was after something that could get my business on track and heading in the right direction – upwards!

I tried a few options of photography coaching and advice, but they often left me with more work to do and more things to chase after.  Alex changed that! She gave me a practical, well-oiled system that has been tried, proven, refined and tested by her and many other photographers she has mentored, that works.

Alex partnered with me and made me feel like she was truly invested in my business and wanted to see it succeed. She showed me that it was possible to make my “side hustle” into a thing that I could be proud of.

She opened my mind to so many possibilities in terms of marketing and also invited me along her journey to see what it was like being a successful business owner, who cares deeply for the work she does and the animals she photographs.

Most importantly, she was vulnerable enough to share with me her struggles and challenges as a fellow pet photographer too. This was someone who has been through it all, achieved tremendous success and knows what she is talking about.

Midway through her program, I quit my part-time job to be a full-time entrepreneur. I know my new business structure will succeed.

For anyone who is doubting if this program is the right option, all I can say is that I wish I had done it earlier. It would have easily saved me two years of my life learning all the wrong things the hard way that ultimately cost me time, unnecessary frustration and money.”

Keefe, Australia

“I would definitely recommend Alex Cearns as a photography coach for boosting your potential clients. Her program is developed from her years of experience as a professional photographer and follows the same systems she uses in her own highly successful business, which says a lot.

This is a proven program and it is not based on vague theories or conjecture like many others. Over the years Alex has worked out the bugs in business, and has refined her program to perfection.”

Beverley, USA

“Alex teaches you how to grow your number of clients and to get more people in the door. Thanks to my previous career, sales do not scare me, but selling my photography does.

Alex really built up my confidence in this area and I felt much more comfortable selling my art. She also went above and beyond to help me with my pricing and compiled effective, sellable packages for me.”

Karen, USA

“I love Alex’s program. I felt like she was vested in me and my business. In addition to the calls it helped to be able to reach out to her with a query – while not part of the program, she gives it a personal touch in the way she listens.

One of my favourite parts of the program were the templates. They were awesome and totally worth the investment on their own! I really appreciated following her process and learnt a lot about myself.”

Sharon, USA

“It was just pure luck that I came across Alex’s course and by geez it was the best decision I ever made.

I was ready to close my doors as was struggling with the marketing side of my business after being closed for 2 years due to Covid – I lost all my motivation and just couldn’t get my head around what to do with my business.

Then BANG … I saw a social media post abotu Alex and thought “Let me just follow up with this and see what it’s all about.”

I’ve done a few courses with other photographers over the years but what I loved about Alex’s course was she has been there and done that. She is still also doing what she loves by creating beautiful portraits of the best thing on earth (animals) for their best friends (people) to cherish.

Alex showed me how to get people in the door, and the methods she has been using for years to do the same in her business.

Her program was so easy to follow and every week I looked forward to our catch up calls. Alex has so much knowledge and experience and was willing to share it all. Her ‘Business Acceleration Program’ was the most rewarding course I’ve ever done.

Thank you so much Alex for helping me reopen my business and giving success in doing what I love.”

Niki, Australia

“Through Alex’s program, I have photographed more sessions in the past four months than I did in the last four years. She is the best investment I have made in my business in 9 years. “

Ann, USA

“I think Alex is hands down my favourite person right now and I am so glad I can share this  news. I have a fully booked calendar for months ahead. I just had my first sales calls for the year; the first was $995 from someone I didn’t think would spend. The second was $3195 which is my second biggest sale ever. I cannot tell you how happy I am and how grateful I am to Alex.”

Jane, Australia

“Alex was instrumental in helping set up my new Facebook page. I had zero experience and from my simple idea she used her creative vision to create a page that was engaging and popular from the very start. I never imagined that I would have over a thousand followers in such a short space of time. Her online marketing skills are second to none. I cannot recommend Alex highly enough and will definitely continue to get advice and support from her in future. Alex is an absolute pleasure to deal with and her enthusiasm is infectious.”

Angela, Australia

“To say I am happy with Alex Cearns as a business coach and mentor is an understatement. Her coaching program price paid for itself within a fortnight of sales using her methods! My business has kicked goals I never thought possible with my income for the quarter more than doubling when compared to the previous quarter. Within 12 months I made $160,000! My workflows are simplified, I am working less hours, and I have now hired two part-time staff- and I’ve learnt to set boundaries with my clients. I am excited about my business doing well and I have some pretty definite goals moving forward which I believe are very achievable. Thanks Alex, you are the best!”

Janine, Australia

“I am in my third year as a pet photographer and have another full-time job. I joined Alex’s program to increase my client bookings. The promotion Alex ran for me received over 1000 social media likes and more than 100 shares. This reach allowed me to book my calendar solid for two and a half months. In my second purchase session with clients from the promotion, I made a $2100USD sale – my highest ever. That client was very interested and super excited to have a photo session of her pups.”

Ann, USA

“My 8 week intensive coaching with Alex Cearns was life changing for my business. The changes made to my business model are already seeing big results and it has only been a few weeks since I finished my course.

Alex delivers what she promises AND THEN SOME! Her ‘Business Acceleration Program for Pet Photographers is seriously, by far, the best investment I have ever made in my business. Moving to an new area where I was starting from scratch felt daunting, but thanks to Alex I now have client bookings and am earnng income. The first sale from the pricelist Alex designed for me was $1200!

I gained years and years of Alex’s experience in understanding what works and what doesn’t in relation to business promotion and practices. I haven’t had to throw money at things that don’t work in order to gain success.

Alex’s no-nonsense, “work it” approach really resonated with me. The best but is that she is still there to help and support me too, which is so good as I don’t feel like I have been turfed out the nest to fend for myself now that my program is finished. She is only an email or message away if I need anything and she provides ongoing support for free.

I thoroughly loved this program and I can’t thank you enough Alex.”

Julie, Australia

“I completed Alex’s ‘Marketing Mastery’ and ‘Getting Published’ short courses. She is such a wealth of business information. Her business coaching comes from a place of firsthand experience. She’s out there doing all the things that she teaches in her own highly successful business, so she knows what works and what doesn’t. My pet photography business has grown so much thanks to her coaching. Her ‘Marketing Mastery’ course gave me a ton of great strategies to move forward with right away. Her training has saved me so much time and allowed me to put ideas into action quickly and get results.

Alex is so approachable and is always willing to review any ideas I have and give feedback and assistance. Her ongoing support is top notch and she is great at keeping her strategies current and effective in the ever-changing marketing landscape. Her ‘Getting Published’ program inspired me to pursue my book concept with a clear plan on how to make it happen and obtain the results I want.”

Deborah, Canada

“I could not recommend Alex’s Business Acceleration Program enough! When I started Alex’s program I had zero bookings and no proper direction with my pet photography. After the course I had photo sessions scheduled and made $900 at my first in person sale. The extensive course material Alex created makes it easy to implement processes and structure into your business – everything is made easy for you. The one-on-one support and experience that Alex provides from start to finish is amazing and she is always so approachable with ideas and solutions to any problems that may arise. Her dedication and drive are infectious, and she has reignited my passion and belief in my business, which is priceless to me. This has been truly the best investment I’ve made in my business and I feel excited about where I am going thanks to Alex.“

Kirsten, Australia

“I am so thankful to Alex for her HIRE AN OFFICE MANAGER coaching. I work full time from home, and love working from home and have no desire to get a commercial space. But I needed to move forward and hire an office manager. After hearing about Alex’s Colleen who works remotely for her, I wanted a Colleen for my very own. But I was lost when it came to working out just how this would work or could work.

Earlier this year I did a mentoring session with Alex and she guided me step by step through the process of just how to make a remote (and part-time) office manager work for me, and how to find and hire one myself. Fast-forward to now, and I am cruising into my busy season with my very own part-time remote studio manger. She helps me service my current clients better, which frees me up to work with more clients, and also give me more time with my family. Making such a big change in business was so much easier and less nerve-racking with such expert and bang on advice. Thanks Alex, you’re a total star!”

Lisa, Australia

“I just started my pet photography business and I wanted to make sure I was able to earn an income right away. After hearing Alex Cearns speak at Animal image Makers Conference I decided to go through her Business Acceleration Program for Pet Photographers program. The program was exactly what I was looking for to attract paying clients and build my brand. Alex covered every bit of client communication from start to finish and supplied templates for each interaction. I had an awesome response to my first marketing campaign which I ran using Alex’s methodology. I now have a clear plan in place to quickly fill my schedule. Alex’s process works! If you follow her guidance, you will be rewarded with a consistent stream of clients. Alex’s Business Acceleration Program for Pet Photographers is a great investment in your business and your return on the investment will happen quickly when you follow her program.”

Travis, USA

“Moving over 1500km to a whole new life was daunting enough, in the middle of the pandemic and starting my business again in a rural area, it seemed nearly impossible!I was so lucky to come across Alex and her ‘Business Acceleration Program for Pet Photographers and made the commitment that I would restart my business the right way.

Alex not only helped me completely rebuild my business in a whole new location, she challenged me to try new processes, which have improved the way I run things. I’ve cut my time spent working in half, which has meant I’m able to take on more clients. I’m finally able to work smarter, not harder.

I’ve always felt fairly confident with my photography skills, but when the extra worry and work is taken away, I’ve found I have so much more time and energy to really make my images something special. I no longer stress about where bookings will come from or trying to push myself to do more. Alex made it feel easy to re-establish, improve my processes and enjoy a huge influx of new bookings.

This is just the beginning and I can’t wait to see my business grow. Thank you Alex!”

Sarina, Australia

“I had been contemplating a change in direction for my digital product business for some time. I had also been considering engaging someone’s services to assist me with some of the detail and more strategic thinking and had experience with global brand awareness. I knew of Alex, and her very successful photography business and that he has been able to expand internationally through her books and philanthropic work. From our initial conversation, I knew I was going to be working with someone that not only understood me and my business goals but was very driven.

This is exactly what I was looking for, so the decision to go ahead with her Mentoring and Management program was an easy one. Alex clearly spent a great deal of time planning our meetings. She listened to all of my wants and needs and injected her experience to grow my ideas beyond my expectations. I’ve taken a great deal out of our sessions, that will undoubtedly help me and my digital business to excel into the future. I will not hesitate in recommending anyone looking for someone to assist them, to engage Alex in her Mentoring and Management program. The only disappointing thing about the sessions, is that they had to end.”

Aaron, Australia

“When heard that Alex was offering coaching guaranteed to bring in clients, I seriously had to consider it. I was right on the edge. All of my preparation work had been completed to start bringing in clients, but that was where I was stuck. When I made the commitment to join Alex’s program, I told her I wanted to promote my pony photography, as this was what I’d been working towards. Alex felt that I’d have a bigger pool of potential clients if I went with dogs. “But I’m not ready to photograph dogs yet”, I cried.” “Yes you are” she said. And you know what? She was right and we made it happen. I booked as many sessions as I felt I could manage and loved the clients who came in for their sessions. So now I’ve decided to go all in on dog photography as I’m enjoying it in a way I didn’t expect. I’m turning a building on my property into a studio which will have air conditioning and heating and be perfect for photography regardless of the seasons outside. Alex continues to nudge me forward and I know she’ll be there when I am finally ready to promote the new space. If you are on the edge, jump off. Her help most definitely paid off with the sales I made from what I learnt in her program.”

Kim, USA

“I’m so glad I took the plunge and signed up for Alex’s Business Acceleration Program. It was the best decision I’ve made for my business and is what really kick-started it for me. I’ve worked with other photography coaches in the past, but they weren’t pet specific and so I still had gaps in my business which I needed to close. Alex closed them! I was treading water before this as I was still running my business as a side hustle and couldn’t really see how I could ever generate full time income from it. Now I can clearly see this as a possibility and I’ve set myself a date to jump into my business full time. One month after starting the program with Alex I generated the same income I made in the last year. After completing the program I was also booked solid for the next 3 months and I’ve already made back what I invested for the program. I really like how Alex steps you through everything from start to end of the process. Alex is also very approachable and responds to my questions very promptly. I am really looking forward for the time where I can just do my pet photography business full time and Alex has helped in reaching this goal. Thank you Alex!”

Annie, Australia

“When we joined Alex’s Business Acceleration Program we were a small portrait photography business that wanted to specialise in pet photography. We found the course immensely helpful and our business has been going from strength to strength ever since. The business plan that we now have in place as a result of Alex’s coaching, along with her recommendations of software, has increased our productivity and streamlined our business process. The information given to us, including advice relating to contracts, invoices and questionnaires, allows us to now operate a highly efficient and organised business. This in turn has led to an increase in the number of clients and, not only the volume of sales, but also the average sale value. By our fourth sale, the course had paid for itself. Our calendar was booked up for three months before we had even completed the program. Access to Alex’s exclusive groups in which she is very active, provides highly beneficial follow up support and the opportunity to chat with others to help resolve any issues that may arise; as well as offering a great platform to share ideas. Furthermore, Alex was very responsive to our questions, and we felt supported throughout the entire course. We would highly recommend this course to anyone who is serious about wanting to improve their business process and grow their business.”

Bex, United Kingdom

“Whether you are just starting out in your photography business, or are already an established studio, I highly recommend Alex’s Business Acceleration Program for Pet Photographers. I have owned a people and pet portrait studio for fifteen years and enrolling in Alex’s program has been one of the best investments I’ve made in my business.  Prior to working with Alex, my business had stalled somewhat in the last few years.  I wasn’t getting many new clients, sales were down, and I was struggling to create a marketing plan to get more bookings.  I wanted to attract more pet photography clients, and after completing Alex’s program I booked more pet photo sessions in two months than I booked all of last year (even during a pandemic)!  I feel my business has been given a jumpstart and I now have a solid marketing plan in place to continually attract new clients and book more sessions throughout an entire year.   Alex was also extremely helpful to me in organizing other areas of my business that had gaps, such as my client record management and workflow processes.  I’ve attended many photography workshops over the years, but the one-on-one coaching with Alex in her Business Acceleration Program has been the most valuable to me.  It’s definitely worth the investment.”

Lisa, USA

“I am so grateful for the opportunity to mentor with Alex. The course opening could not have come at a better time. I don’t think I could have been as successful through this Covid year without her help. The step by step, in depth weekly calls were exactly what I was looking for and kept me on track. I like how structured the content is and it is easy to go back and gather any information I may have missed. Alex is truly very knowledgeable in what it takes to run a profitable photography business. Each week is tailored to your needs and she is always open to questions and assistance during the course as well as after. I have had my own pet photography business for 10 years but was still struggling to bring clients through the door. My first promotion was a success and allowed me to keep the ball rolling with referrals and online content. The value of the course paid for itself within the first month!”

Teann, Canada

“When I signed up for the Business Acceleration Program I was lacking in direction, didn’t even know if my business plan was realistic, had no idea how to tackle pricing and oh my gosh don’t even mention what the thought of “selling” did to me! I signed up just prior to Covid19 and I am so pleased I did because that lull gave me time to implement all the procedures, get familiar with new software and systems and really think about the materials presented. Having the access to discuss issues with Alex is totally invaluable. To have someone so experienced in the industry tell you they believe you can succeed was incredibly humbling. The program was very methodical and detailed. Alex was extremely generous with her time. Her ability to make what previously sounded scary now sound logical is second to none. The amount of information made available surpassed any expectation, including working client templates for every step of the process, suggestions for software and hardware, marketing and promotion ideas and suggestions, you name it she made it available. At no point did I feel pressured to do anything I wasn’t comfortable with. As the saying goes “You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone”. And my life has changed, I booked eleven shoots from my first promotion and my second sale was for over $1000. I whole heartedly recommend Alex’s Business Acceleration Program.”

Michelle, Australia

“Before I started Alex’s Business Acceleration Program I’d been running my pet photography business for about 2 years. I found it extremely difficult to get client bookings and when I did, they didn’t always spend. I had a couple good sales but apart from that I was lost. I didn’t know how to liaise with my clients and didn’t have any structure to my emails or communication. I was essentially just “winging it”. I started to realise that I needed the help of a photography business coach. I had been looking around for a few months and following a few coaches but I never found one that I really clicked with – until I found Alex!

Alex and I chatted many times via FB messenger and she helped me immensely before I even signed up to the course. She helped me turn a flaky client from 18 months ago into a $1800 sale! After speaking to Alex multiple times I knew she would be the perfect coach for me. She would help me along the way and not let me fail (none of that “watch these videos and do the work”) type stuff. She REALLY coached me through everything!  After finishing Alex’s course (in the middle of COVID-19 Pandemic) I had 3 months’ worth of bookings (with 2 to 3 shoots per week) and I made $22,000 of sales in my first month. I now have a clear plan of how to run my business, attract clients, and manage all of my communication in a professional way. I can’t thank Alex enough for all the help she has given me and I highly recommend doing this course if you want to be a successful pet photographer.”

Elouise, Australia

“I recently completed Alex’s ‘Business Acceleration Program for Pet Photographers’ and ‘Find an Office Manager’ programs. Working with Alex was one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made. Even though her programs had a clear structure and outcome, Alex’s collaborative approach ensured that each program was tailored for me and how I want to run my business – it wasn’t formulaic. I’ve completed several other photography coaching programs over the years, but Alex’s was the most specific to pet photography, the most relevant to what I do, and the one I learnt the most from. She knows her stuff and will get you right in track. Her Business Acceleration program is a must for anyone looking to develop their pet photography business exponentially. Not only did Alex teach me new strategies to grow my business, she also taught me how to effectively manage and organise my time in doing so.

The benefits from Alex’s program are not only in what I learnt, but also in the confidence I gained. Alex went through all of my systems and processes and it turned out that I was doing a lot of things right, which has meant that I am now no longer wasting mental energy and time second guessing what I am doing. Alex identified where the gaps were in my business practices and we closed them off. Now that the program is finished, I am missing our weekly chats. This is a testament to how enjoyable it was working with Alex. If you are considering doing her program, my advice is to stop thinking and just do it! It will change your future. My business is now incredibly busy, I am filled with confidence. Thank you Alex!”

Peter, Australia

“When I met Alex in 2019, her program sounded like just what I needed. My calendar was empty. I had 79 likes on my Facebook page and was worried my dream wouldn’t come to fruition. I’ll admit, I was sceptical at first. It was a big spend for me to invest, but more than that, scary to know I’d have a coach that was committed to my success so there would be no hiding out avoiding the hard bits. I just happened to sit near one of Alex’s coaching students in our last presentation at Aim and overheard her say she was fully booked. She hadn’t started her sales sessions yet, but she was booked. I chatted with her for a bit and then decided to take the plunge!

My course with Alex was life changing. I was busier than I could manage all summer and have learned so much by actually getting out and doing rather than sitting at my computer planning. Alex has been there for me every step of the way and my new average sales price means I don’t have to return to my day job full time, and I was able to cut it down from working 40 hours a week to 12 hours a week. My Facebook likes went up dramatically. I’m living my dream of working from home, able to be with my senior dog who needs me, and I’ve met the most wonderful pets and their people. I have more leads than I can manage right now and am still in shock to be so busy. It’s quite surreal. I can’t believe how things have just exploded. I’m more confident and so excited to see what the future has in store. Thanks to Alex I’m making my business dreams a reality.”

Debbie, USA

“I’ve been floating around with a teeny tiny photography business for years, with no actual niche. It was pretty much just a hobby that occasionally made some money. I was flipping from one thing to the next as soon as it got too hard and the sound of crickets in my email inbox got too loud and discouraging.

When I finally and logically landed on pet photography, everything clicked … except how to run a successful business. I had reached a point where I didn’t know what to do to truly grow my business and how to make money doing it. In stepped Alex!

Alex showed me the ideas, processes and used in her successful businesses, which keep the engine running. From using an effective and time-saving CRM all the way through to marketing strategies, plus simple things like consistency and good communication habits. Even during a global pandemic, my business has grown and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Thanks Alex!”

Rachel, Australia, USA

“I would highly recommend Alex’s Business Acceleration Program for Pet Photographers. As someone with absolutely no background or base knowledge in business or marketing, I could see the crossroads ahead with my small business and I wasn’t sure how to grow my following, or brand from where I was. I had all of these creative ideas, and a fierce passion for what I was doing, but no clients to do it with. Alex’s course has been incredible! From organising all things admin with her precise templates, marketing ideas, guidance with product and package pricing, advice on how to deal with ‘those’ clients in the most positive way possible, and so much more.

Alex shares EVERYTHING to help make your business run as effectively as possible. Alex held me accountable throughout the course (which I needed) and was really invested in making things work for my business. She was mindful and understanding of my family situation throughout and gave me strategies that would allow me to grow my business, but also ensure quality time with family is not lost. I never imagined I would be where I am with my business so soon. I honestly felt like I had been pushing sh*t up hill (so to speak) for such a long time.

Alex has helped me realise the potential for so many things that I never thought possible for my business, and I now have clarity and a system. I am so excited and motivated to start implementing so many of the strategies that Alex has taught me. I will be forever grateful that I took the leap of faith with this, because while it is only early days, it has already well and truly paid off!”

Elle, Australia

“I decided to take the plunge and enrol in Alex’s Business Acceleration Program for Pet Photographers. I’ve been in business for 10 years and was still playing small, struggling on the backend to stay organized and consistent as well as being challenged to set clear and concise boundaries with clients.  This program addresses all of those things, and along with that Alex tweaked my website and simplified my pricing.

Overall, the experience with Alex was amazing.  She gave me all the tools needed to build a strong client base, provided me with great ideas to market my business and held my hand (or gave me a gentle push) when I needed help. Her program is very well rounded, and I received all the tools needed to elevate my business to the next level. The pre-drafted templates were especially helpful. Alex helped me shift one of my barriers in moving forward, which was implementing a functional client record management system. Now I just cut and paste the template text Alex wrote for me into my databases and populate relevant areas with my business info.

When I need to send a client information or respond to an inquiry, I just push a button and an email is sent. This automation saves me so much time and I now feel empowered as all of my correspondence is professional and consistent. The best part of Alex’s program is that I never felt rushed on our calls together. She was an open book and answered all my questions with full transparency.  She was super organized, detail oriented, kind and very thorough.

Alex’s response rate when I sent her a question was immediate, often within minutes most of the time.  She walks the walk, and I am so excited take action using her marketing suggestions and templates, now that I have a clear direction. Thank you so much Alex for your patience and being an amazing mentor and business coach!”

Jaime, USA

“I commenced the Business Acceleration Program with Alex in late April and completed it in late June. Over the eight sessions I had with Alex, her experience in the pet photography industry became evident. Being new to in person sales (IPS), I asked many questions and Alex always had sound reasoning to back up her replies. She clearly explained why her systems and processes were set up in a certain way and presented examples from her past client experience.

Throughout this program, Alex was very forthcoming with all her information and I could tell that she genuinely wanted me to do well. After each week’s call, Alex would send through the action items as well as notes on what was discussed. She would then follow up with me to make sure I didn’t have any issues completing the tasks. From how she organises her photos to her exact workflows for client record management software like Studio Ninja, Alex has every single base covered. She was always available to answer questions and remove my doubts about running a business.

As a coaching client of Black Cat Consulting, I was invited to join her private Facebook group where she constantly updates us with new strategies, software and ideas. The Covid-19 pandemic meant that IPS was an issue. Alex quickly rolled out an online-based sales session model and incorporated that into the coaching course while also providing the modified e-mail templates for online sessions. I used to be very afraid of IPS or the idea of selling my photos to someone as I have always struggled with confidence.

Alex made this very easy by not stressing on the sales aspect but instead focusing on the client. This has made me very comfortable with my IPS sessions and I always walk away from my sessions feeling happy and satisfied that I provided a service to my clients without that bitter ‘salesy’ feeling. My clients have also reflected this by leaving me with positive reviews which is testament to the Business Acceleration Program. It is the best investment I have made for my photography business.”

Navin, Australia

“Since becoming a photographer several years ago, I have invested in one course every year to make me a better photographer. In the past it has always been workshops for shooting or editing. With those courses I became a lot better at making beautiful images, but I still struggled with the business side of things. Booking clients and making a sale were almost non-existent for me.

Late last year, I saw a post by one of my favourite photographer’s saying that she was going to sign up for Alex’s “Sales Blast” class. That made me think to myself “Wow if this photographer, who is well known and has won a lot of awards for her work, thinks she can improve her sales by taking Alex’s course, she must have something extra special.” I did some research and discovered that Alex was offering a “Business Acceleration Program” for pet photographers. That was all it took for me to decide that this would be the year to invest in my business and to sort that side of things.

Throughout the course Alex proved a step-by-step guide for me to become a better businessperson. This included how to get noticed and grow my social media presence, effective communication with clients, a system for responding to inquiries, how to schedule sessions (before covid-19 my calendar was filled for 3 months solid), working with all types of clients (including the difficult ones), creating a client experience they will happily tell their friends about, and finally the thing we are all in business for, making the sale.

I am beyond thrilled with the education that this course has given me. It’s provided all the pieces I’d been missing to operate a profitable business and it has increased my confidence 110%. Thank you Alex! I can’t wait to see where my new and much improved knowledge and business skills will take me.”

Sheila, USA

“We live on a farm 2.5 hours north of Sydney and I started Alex’s Business Acceleration Program back in March this year, just before COVID-19 lockdowns began. We continued with the program and ran my marketing promotion on completion. This gave me plenty of time to get the farm ready and also get new artwork samples created for my small office/viewing room. Most of my entrants to my promotion were from Sydney with only two local people following through to a booking. I ended up with 10 confirmed bookings but two had to drop off for various reasons. Of the 8 bookings, my average sale was $1,190 and everyone purchased artwork. I’ve had great sales in the past but not consistently like I have after implementing Alex’s process.

The biggest buzz I got was how much clients loved the experience of coming up to our region for the weekend and how beautiful it is, along with their time on our farm with their dogs. One client revealed in their purchasing appointment that they were so grateful for the opportunity I gave them and that it has inspired them to look for hinterland acreage up north when previously it was their goal to eventually move to a beach town. They also want to adopt some chickens and ducks! They are a young couple raised and living in Sydney and plan to sell their house in the future to make the change. Like us, they don’t like living in a big city.

Alex’s program has been the kick in the pants I needed to get all my processes nutted out and implemented after years of messing around with different methods and clearly being a bit random! Moving to the farm was also a huge change for my business as we are quite remote. My target market is clearly Sydneysiders looking for a weekend escape. I now have the confidence to work onways to improve my sessions to keep them to a smaller area on the farm and add in some more natural props to put dogs on!.We have also just started planning to build a studio on the farm to create a combined indoor/outdoor experience in a more controlled environment. Looking forward to a busy future! Thank you, Alex, you’re wonderful!”

Jo, Australia


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